Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Real Estate Investment Expo


Investors, purchasers, retirees, vacationers, agents, brokers, realtors and anyone else interested in investing in real estate¡­..

It would be our pleasure if you would join us and attend the Calgary and/or Toronto events;

Toronto; Real Estate Developers Expo on Sat. Feb. 4 & Sun. Feb. 5th. Please register for a FREE pass at

Calgary: Real Estate Developers Expo on Sat. Feb. 11 & Sun. Feb. 12th. Please register for a FREE pass at

(Pre-register for FREE and avoid the $20 cost at the door)

We have a great line up of educational speakers, Real Estate Developers and related businesses and an interactive Q & A panel.

Please peruse all information at

We look forward to meeting you and helping you find that perfect investment!

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